True Renunciation

One takes the Supreme Stance in life when one sets the right values for the world. Considers objects and being,action and perception ,emotion and thought to be ephemeral, transient. Renunciation is the insignia of spiritual growth. Emanating from knowledge of the Eternal Self. A spiritually evolved person commands a true spirit of renunciation. He runs his family with love and affection, possesses property, enjoys the senses. While he goes through these experiences his mind remains anchored in the Supreme Self within. With the mind rooted in the Self he understands the futility of the world. Feels that inner dispassion towards the events and experiences of mundane existence. 

Few in the world today have a proper understanding of this magnificent stand of renunciation. The ignoramuses feign this illustrious state of being by their outward practices. They live in seclusion. Discard property and possession. Avoid sense contact. Put on an act of celibacy. With all that their minds entertain material and sensual thoughts. They still harbour mundane values. Their appraisal of the world remains high. Such impersonators are far removed from the state of renunciation. 

True renunciation therefore is that capacity in you to set the right value for all that the world offers , to consider them ephemeral and inconsequential even while you may be amidst them, enjoying them.


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