
Showing posts from December, 2021

Swami Ram Tirtha

 *The way to gain anything is to lose it  *The moment we stand up as reformers of the world, we become deformers of the world. Physician, heal thyself  *Do not fall in love , but rise in love  *The art of religion consists of making every little bit of experience an occasion for a leap into the infinite  *He alone can raise himself or make progress, who lectures to himself  *Happiness lies clothed in the garb of work

Gems from Sri Ramkrishna

 *It is said in the Gita that one in thousands desires to know God , and again among thousands who have such a desire , only one is able to know God  *One must show the highest respect for one's Mother , for she is the very embodiment of the Blissful Mother of the Universe  *A man should do his worldly duties with only twenty five percent of his mind , devoting the rest to God  *If a man leads a householder's life he must have unflagging devotion to truth. God can be realized through truth alone  *A man does not feel restless for God until all his worldly desires are satisfied. He does not remember the Mother of the Universe until his share of the enjoyment of woman and gold is completed. A child absorbed in play does not seek his mother. But after his play is over , he says ,  "Mother ! I must go to my mother "

Secret of Work- Thoughts from Swami Vivekananda

 *Body is a chariot  *Senses are the horses  *Intellect is the rein  *The Self is the Lord who drives the chariot  This is how the Upanishads make a synopsis of everyday living  The main secret is to learn to work without attachment . Work like a master and not like a slave. Work for work's sake, love for love's sake.  Attachment makes us demand while love unfolds the capacity for giving .  If we really love the art of our work ,we shall be more interested in how we can do it than in how much we are going to gain from it.  When we are merely attached to the fruits of our work and do not get the results we desire ,we become discouraged and give up easily; but when we work out of love for the work itself ,no matter how many times we fail to get the desired result, we keep on .