Kena Upanishad---Key learnings
✓ The Lord Almighty controls the sense organs of perception, and the action of all living beings.
✓ The wandering mind can never be under the control of mortals and
can be subdued only by the grace of the Lord Almighty.
✓ The Lord cannot be comprehended fully by anyone. The best one can do is to realise that the Lord has infinite, auspicious attributes.
✓ There is a gradation in the innate capabilities of various deities who all act under the control of the Lord Almighty.
✓ The Lord is to be worshipped as Tadvanam, one who is all-pervasive and one who is worshipped by all.
✓ The path to eternal salvation has three facets – knowledge of the Lord, means of attaining this knowledge, and the source of this knowledge.
✓ One who implements the teachings from this Upanishat will achieve the grace of the Lord Almighty and attain eternal bliss.
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