
Showing posts from November, 2023

Six ways to make your life easier and more peaceful – by using stoic principles The control test The control test is a simple but incredibly effective strategy I use whenever I start worrying about something. It can be applied not just to the news cycle but absolutely everything in life, from not getting a pay raise to facing death. The formula, or test, is found in Handbook, or Enchiridion, a book of lectures by the Roman stoic Epictetus. Epictetus – whose handbook was published in 125AD – wrote: Within our power are opinion, motivation, desire, aversion and, in a word, whatever is of our own doing; not within our power are our body, our property, reputation, office and, in a word, whatever is not of our own doing. Essentially, our realm of control consists of our own actions and reactions, our desires, our character and how we treat others. The rest – including our bodies, the actions of others, our reputations and our fortunes ...

Sadhguru - 3 life lessons you should never forget

Let’s take a look at three simple life lessons from yogi and mystic,  Sadhguru . They take just a moment to put into action, but can initiate a profound transformation with us. Questioner : Namaskaram Sadhguru. I am training to become an Ishanga teacher. What does it mean to be an Ishanga, and what do you expect from us? Sadhguru : The word “Isha” means “that which is the basis of everything.” Nothingness is the basis of everything. If you look at the world as various reverberations, then silence is the basis of everything. If you look at the world as various forms, then the formless is the basis. If you look at the world in terms of measurements, then the limitless is the basis. If you look at the world as something or everything, then nothing is the basis. Isha is that formless basis of creation or formless divinity. Anga means to become a limb of that. Anyway, you are a limb of that which is the basis of existence – you are just not aware of it. Human ignorance is su...