
Showing posts from April, 2023

Bhagvad Gita Ch 1-6

  CHAPTER - 2 Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita is a crucial chapter in which Lord Krishna begins to teach Arjuna the path of Karma Yoga, the yoga of action. Arjuna, a warrior prince, is hesitant to engage in battle against his own relatives and friends, and he seeks guidance from Lord Krishna. In response, Lord Krishna begins to teach him the path of self-realization and the true nature of the soul. Lord Krishna explains that the soul is immortal and eternal, and that it is not affected by birth and death. He emphasizes that the soul is distinct from the body and mind, which are subject to change and decay. Therefore, one should not grieve for the loss of the body or for those who have passed away, as the soul is indestructible. Lord Krishna also teaches Arjuna about the concept of dharma, or duty, and the importance of fulfilling one's duty without attachment to the results. He explains that it is better to perform one's own duty, even if it may be difficult or un