
Showing posts from August, 2020

Lessons from Swamy Parthsarathy Dont let mind and emotions take over ; let reason and intellect prevail Don’t let present happiness be determined by future acquisition All possessions are temporary Attachment separates and detachment binds Enjoyment increases with reduced contact eg cigarettes Don’t be too attached to children …. rebel or vegetable Nobody has a clue as to what is religion Virus of attachment ---- parents/children/possessions/religion Grow with your own money … don’t borrow Strengthen the intellect Question everything …. don’t take anything for granted NOTHING IN THE WORLD CAN DISTURB YOU THAN YOURSELF

Qualities that are necessary to obtain Knowledge - Bhagavadgita Shraddhavan labhate jnanam matparassamyat indriyaha |Jnanam labdwa param shanthim achirena adhigachchathi || 4.39 || Translation: "The man who is full of faith, who is devoted to It, and who has subdued the senses, obtains (this) 'Knowledge' ; and having obtained 'Knowledge, ' ere long he goes to the Supreme Peace." * * Comments of Swami Chinmayanda: * The qualities that are necessary for an individual to be assured of the Knowledge-Divine are being enumerated here as vividly as from the leaf of a Science text-book. Three great qualities have been indicated and to understand them is to understand why the so-called seekers, in spite of their claims to sincere self-application, do not actually reach anywhere near the ladder of development. Faith, devotion, and self-control are the three imperative necessities to be acquired ere we can hope to evolve to the diviner stature ...

12 Types of Yajnas Mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 4   Devamevapare  yagnam yoginah paryupasate| Brahmaagnavapare yagnam yagnenaiva upajuvhati || 4. 25|| "  Some  YOGIS  perform sacrifice to  DEVAS  alone  (DEVA-YAJNA) ;  while others offer "sacrifice" as sacrifice by the Self, in the Fire of  BRAHMAN (BRAHMA-YAJNA) ." Shotradeen indriayanyanye samyamaagnishu juvhathi | Shabdadeen vishayaananya indriyagnishu juvhathi || 4. 26 || "  Some again offer hearing and other senses as sacrifice in the fires-of-restraint; others offer sound and other objects of sense as sacrifice in the fires-of-the-senses." Sarvendriya karmaani pranikarmani chapare| Atma samyamayogagnou juvhathi jnana deepite || 4. 27 || "  Others again sacrifice all the functions of the senses and the functions of the breath (vital energy) in the fire of the  YOGA  of self-restraint, kindled by knowledge. " Dravya yagnaah tapoyagna...